Training Programs

Demonstrating how to calibrate a power sprayerWe offer several in-person training programs primarily to the pest control industry, but they are available to other professionals based on their interests and prior experience.  We also offer specialized and tailored training classes for individual companies (or groups) upon request.  These specialized classes have a minimum requirement of ten registrations.

Online Training Opportunities:

We are pleased to offer online training workshops! Currently, we have three 1-hour online workshops, each approved for 1 P-phase credit. We are working on more online opportunities, so please check back! Click HERE to view and register for online courses.

Termite Technician Training:

The Termite Technician program provides training in various aspects termite biology and control.
Click HEREfor details.

Pest ID & Management Workshops:
Pest identification is critical to effective management of structural pests. We currently offer five pest identification and management workshops.

Pest Control License Exam Preparation
An opportunity for PMPs to study specimens in preparation for the NC Structural Pest Control License Exams.

You may register for any of our workshops by visiting

Questions? Contact Patty Alder ( or 919.513.3805)